50 easy ways to save money … fast
Being financially savvy isn’t rocket science, but in a world where temptations abound it can sometimes feel like you need a PhD in finance just to keep your finances in line.
Personal finance blogger Alex Wilson, who runs budgeting website SavingsGuide.com.au, says people should embrace a minimalist mindset and remember that it’s not about how much money you earn, it’s how smart you are with what you have.
These 50 tips are so simple and effective you would be crazy not to try them, even if only for a day:
1. Turn the light off every time you leave a room
2. Wear a polar fleece and ugg boots instead of turning on the heater
3. Close curtains to keep your house cool in summer
4. Turn off electrical devices at the power point
5. Buy necessary items like toilet paper in bulk at stores like Costco and Aldi
6. Replace your existing light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs
7. Only use your dishwasher and washing machine when they are completely full
8. Install a water-saving shower head and use a timer to keep showers below five minutes
9. Sell unneeded or unwanted items on eBay
10. If you shop somewhere regularly, sign up for their customer rewards program
11. Cut your own hair or get a friend to do it for you. Look for online tutorials to help you get it right
12. Buy clothes that don’t require dry cleaning
13. Shop for clothes, furniture and knick knacks at op shops
14. Give up one habit, like buying a morning coffee or smoking
15. Take public transport rather than driving
16. Use a debit card rather than a credit card
17. Try to fix things yourself before paying someone to do it for you
18. Take a homemade lunch to work
19. Borrow books, DVDs and magazines from your local library rather than buying or renting them
20. Make your own gifts for people, like homemade cookies or jam
21. Write shopping lists and stick to them
22. Eat less meat, it’s expensive
23. Cook at home rather than going to a restaurant
24. Cook in bulk and freeze it for the rest of the week’s meals
25. Clean your car’s air filter. A clean air filter can improve your gas mileage by up to 7 per cent
26. Holiday locally and, if possible, drive to your destination rather than flying
27. Choose generic brands at the supermarket, like Home Brand
28. When buying a new car, look for fuel efficiency
29. Rent out (let) free rooms in your home on Airbnb
30. Use house-swapping or couch-surfing websites when looking for holiday accommodation
31. Take turns babysitting with neighbours or family friends rather than paying a babysitter
32. Buy classic, timeless pieces for your wardrobe rather than trendy clothing
33. Make the most of free activities. Check your local paper for free events around your hometown rather than paying for a movie ticket
34. Do your beauty routines at home: paint your own nails, blow-dry your own hair, shave your own legs and get a friend to help you out with an at-home spray tan
35. Be road safe. Speeding tickets are costly
36. Cancel your gym membership and walk to work
37. Contact your bank to ensure you’re getting the lowest rates possible
38. Grow your own fruit and vegetables
39. Carry a water bottle and snacks wherever you go. You will be less inclined to impulsively buy expensive or unhealthy food
40. Check expiry dates on perishable goods to ensure you get the most out of your produce
41. Invest in some tupperware to freeze meals and package them to take to work
42. Use grocery store plastic bags to line your bin rather than purchasing garbage bags
43. Use a piggy bank for spare coins. When it’s full, take it to the bank and get it changed into notes and deposit them into your account
Alex Wilson’s tips:
44. Make it a game to save money. Round down your everyday bank account and deposit small amounts into your high interest saver
45. Shop around for big-ticket purchases. Never settle for the first price you see on anything over $100
46. Review your insurance. Odds are you can get the same cover for less this year
47. Stop making micro purchases like bottled water
48. Cancel a direct debit. Save the money instead. Invest it, bank it or use it to kill debt
49. Stop paying for convenience. Stop paying ATM fees because you couldn’t be bothered finding your actual bank’s ATM. Stop paying for soft drinks, milk and bread at ultra-high prices because you opted to stop at 7/11 on the way home instead of a supermarket
50. Use a smaller trolley or shopping basket, anything larger and your instincts will tell you to fill it