iTunes ruling makes CD ripping illegal in UK
The United Kingdom’s High Court has ruled that copying music from CDs into Apple iTunes is illegal under copyright legislation.
Last year the UK government legalised copying making it exceptional for private use, however that move was overturned this week.
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The decision is significant as it potentially makes the music library of many British listeners illegal.
The country’s Intellectual Property Office confirmed the law following the ruling.
“It is now unlawful to make private copies of copyright works you own, without permission from the copyright holder – this includes format shifting from one medium to another,” a spokesperson told site TorrentFreak.
The government is still processing the ruling.
“As this is a complex area of law, the Government is carefully considering the implications of the ruling and the available options, before deciding any future course of action,” a government spokesperson told Britain’s The Independent.
“The Government is not aware of any cases of copyright holders having prosecuted individuals for format shifting music solely for their own personal use.”