Japanese billionaire invites you to be one of eight lucky visitors to the Moon

If your wanderlust has kicked into overdrive during the global travel lockdown, a Japanese millionaire might have the perfect remedy: A trip to the Moon.
Yusaku Maezawa is the first person to book a trip to the Moon on Elon Musk’s SpaceX.
But he doesn’t want to venture out there alone, so he’s opened up some seats to the rest of the world.
He’s launched a website explaining the broader application process.
“Eight crew members wanted! For the mission to the Moon in 2023,” the website dearMoon reads.
When Mr Maezawa first booked out all the seats on the flight in 2018, his initial vision was to take along eight artists, so that when they returned to Earth they could create artwork to share their experience with the world.
He quickly expanded that criteria to just anyone who is good at what they do.
Applications to be a part of the eight opened this week.
To enter, you just have to hit two prerequisites: Have the potential to benefit society through your expertise or skills; and be willing to work as part of a team.
Sounds easy, right? You’ve got until March 14 to apply.
If you’re chosen from there, there’s an assignment, then an initial online interview and then final interviews and medicals in late May.
The journey to the Moon itself is scheduled for some time in 2023, and should take about a week.