RFS Region North contingent on the fire ground
The region’s 300 Rural Fire Service volunteers, seconded to the Blue Mountains and Hunter Valley, have started working to contain blazes in the worst fire-affected areas.
Many of the New England North West crews have joined fellow firefighters from four states at the central staging area in Penrith.
Region North Major Incident Co-ordinator, Inspector Matt Inwood, says 1,100 firefighters were deployed on Wednesday across the fire grounds of New South Wales.
He says local crews are already playing an important part.
“The crews from Region North, particularly the Northern Tablelands and New England crews, currently are working up around the Blue Mountains and they’ve been sent out to what we call Forward Staging Areas,” he said.
“Some of those crews worked overnight up there doing some back-burning operations to get some containment lines starting to be established for the impending weather conditions.”
Meantime, the Weather Bureau says there’s little rain expected to fall on Wednesday across the North West Slopes and Plains and the Northern Tablelands.
Meteorologist with weatherzone.com.au, Max Gonzalez, says less than five millimetres is likely.
“The trough will be pushing through the region today bringing very hot and dry north-westerly winds ahead of this system with winds getting up to 40km/h to 50km/h in lower areas,” he said.
“On Thursday, we’re actually looking at the mid-20s and this system is not actually looking to bear much rain so we’re talking about one to five millimetres at most from those storms.”