Shock poll shows WA Labor govt popularity crashes

Premier Roger Cook says reforms will ensure WA has modern laws that reflect today's society. Photo: AAP
The popularity of the Western Australian Labor government has crashed, according to a surprise poll.
The Utting Research poll of 1000 voters showed a resurgence of support for the Liberal Party, which has a 54 per cent to 46 per cent two-party preferred lead over Labor.
The last poll conducted in May, after leader Mark McGowan stepped down and was replaced by Roger Cook as Premier, had Labor ahead at 61-39, The West Australian reported on Monday.
Labor’s primary vote has also fallen to 32 per cent, from 52 per cent previously.
After the 2021 state election, the Liberal and Nationals parties banded together to form opposition, with the Liberals as the junior partner.
The Liberals hold two parliamentary seats in the Legislative Assembly while the Nationals hold four.
The Utting poll also showed the Nationals had 6 per cent of the primary vote with the Greens on 10 per cent and other parties with 15 per cent.
The phone poll was conducted between July 18-20.