
South Australian child dies after catching COVID-19

A child who was diagnosed with the coronavirus has died.

A child who was diagnosed with the coronavirus has died. Photo: Getty

A South Australian child under the age of two with COVID-19 has died, as the state records 1374 new infections.

Premier Steven Marshall confirmed the death on Thursday afternoon and said it would be referred to the coroner.

“This child was COVID-positive but the cause of death hasn’t been determined yet,” he told reporters.

Mr Marshall said he would not be giving details about whether the child was in hospital.

There were 23,420 PCR tests processed on Wednesday, returning 1374 positive cases compared to 1472 the previous day.

“So a slight reduction on the day before but these numbers are likely to bob around for some time,” Mr Marshall said.

There continues to be 37 people in hospital, with four in intensive care including one on a ventilator.”

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