
How to be super productive during your time off

It’s hard when you’re young and busy – juggling uni, work and general life.

Some people seem to have it together, when really they just know how to make the most of their time.

Being a responsible adult for the day doesn’t have to be a drag – these little projects are quick, easy and could make a big difference to your life.

It’s all about minimum output and maximum return.

Do your tax return (so you can spend it)

It sounds boring, but if you approach your tax return with the right artillery, you could end up with a nice little boost to your holiday fund, with relatively little pain.

If you think your return is going to be quite simple (maybe you’ve only worked one job and don’t plan on claiming many deductions), then doing it yourself online using the ATO website’s program MyTax might be your best bet.


Rediscover the greatness of your abandoned music collection.

For returns that are a bit more complicated, consider going to see an agent IRL – a simple Google search will pull up the nearest agencies to you.

Organise your music

This one is hardly boring at all. There’s no point in having a great music collection if you can never find the song you’re looking for.

Maybe you’ve got some tracks squirrelled away on old hard drives, or a USB your friend gave you that you’ve forgotten to upload.

Go crazy – make some playlists. One for partying, one for working out, even one for sitting on the tram. You won’t regret it when you’re the one who can add a great soundtrack to any situation.

Make a LinkedIn profile

Get off Facebook and focus on a different social media site for an hour.

Creating your own LinkedIn page will prove to prospective employers that you have the nous to market yourself online. Summarise your experience and career aims, follow some inspirational people or companies and check out this article for what makes a killer account.

Once you’re in business, you’ll be able to apply for jobs using it and keep track of everyone in your ‘network’ – and feel better about spending time on it rather than just trawling aimlessly through your Facebook or Instagram walls

Talk to a careers consultant

This is another one that we all put off, and for good reason – forcing yourself to think about your future career path can be intimidating.

But careers counsellors don’t just tell you what you should ‘be’; they teach you how to prepare for interviews, write a killer resume and where to search for jobs.


94 per cent of recruiters use social media, so treat your LinkedIn profile as if it was a part of your resume.

Your school or university will have a counsellor you can book in with for free, so take advantage.

Consolidate your super

If you’ve been working full-time, part-time or casually, your employer should have been making contributions to your super fund.

Sure, retirement is ages away, but if you make sure that all of your super is in the same place, you could save time and money in fees, and know that your super is working as hard as it can for you.

All it takes to sort out your old super is getting out a statement from each of your funds and heading online – AustralianSuper members can do it pain-free on their website.

It’s another thing you can do quickly and easily on your day off – afterwards you can kick back and feel really good about yourself.

This article contains general information only and does not consider your personal objectives, situation or needs. You should read the Product Disclosure Statement and other relevant information at Australian Super website to see if it is right for you. AustralianSuper (ABN 94 006 457 987, AFSL 233788) invests in The New Daily.


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