Spaceship speed test: real machines vs fictional flyers
An American retail company has pitted all of NASA’s real world spacecrafts head-to-head with popular fictional crafts from television, film and gaming to see which is the fastest.
Fictional machines pretty much always win, proving man has a way to go in fulfilling the dreams of the most ardent sci-fi nerds. Although, there is one human invention that trumps even the most far-fetched fictional creations: the Large Hadron Collider.
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However, humans have already surpassed the swiftness of some sci-fi crafts, including the vehicles from Back to the Future and Thunderbirds.
The NASA Saturn V Rocket has greater acceleration power than the Delorean and Thunderbird 3, clocking up a remarkable 3.94G.
The list includes other favourites like the Tardis from Dr Who, Ascendant Justice from video game Halo, Cylon Raider from Battlestar Galactica and even the Moon Rocket from Tintin.
They’ve even had a go at measuring the speed of ‘death’ and have included the speed of the Large Hadron Particle Collider built by CERN under parts of France and Switzerland.
Unfortunately Batman‘s Bat Rocket and the Weasley family’s Flying Ford Angela, from Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, don’t make the list.
For more information on the methodology below, visit the Fat Wallet website.