
Rory McIlroy’s golf lesson with rugby star goes wrong

Rory McIlroy might be one of the best golfers in the world but that doesn’t mean he is an outstanding teacher.

And if you ask Ireland rugby star Luke Fitzgerald, it is fairly certain he would agree.

That’s because a golf lesson between the pair went horribly, and hilariously, wrong.

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After being showed what to do by McIlroy, who is seen on the left of screen in a white cap, Fitzgerald shapes to tee off with a driver, only to throw the club much further than he hit the ball.

To make things worse for Fitzgerald, the incident was captured on film by Ireland’s Rugby TV channel on YouTube.

So now millions of fans can join in with McIlroy, and Fitzgerald’s team-mates and staff, who can be seen exploding with laughter in the background.

Watch the video below:

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