
Wanderers dare to dream with 1-0 Champions League win

The Western Sydney Wanderers will take a 1-0 aggregate advantage with them into the second leg of the Asian Champions League final after a hard-fought win over Al-Hilal in Parramatta on Saturday night.

Tomi Juric grabbed the crucial goal after getting on the end of a brilliant Anthony Golec cross to toe-poke the ball home on the 64th minute.


Tomi Juric about to hit the winner in the match at Parramatta tonight. Photo: Getty

The Wanderers then had Ante Covic to thank for a string of crucial saves to deny Al-Hilal as they pressed for an away-goal equaliser.

A draw or win in Saudi Arabia will be enough for the Wanderers to become the first-ever Australian team to win Asian club football’s biggest prize.

The second leg will be played on November 1.

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