Say hello to Active Super – a fund for the greater good
You may have heard that Local Government Super has rebranded with a new look and a new name – Active Super.
The new brand positioning, ‘The Greater Good’, refers to the responsible investment ethos that underpins the Fund’s strategy to deliver returns to members. The decision is also about appealing to a wider audience, both within Local Government and beyond.
The Fund will continue to empower members to take an active role in their super so they can live their best lives knowing their retirement savings are growing, while also doing good for the community, society and the environment through responsible investments.
So while there are some changes, there is a lot that will stay the same such as our commitment to continue working closely with the USU, our focus on delivering solid long-term returns for members, as well as offering good value for money and great customer service.
To find out more, watch the brand video or go to