How to book a hearing aid test during COVID-19

With COVID-19 restrictions slowly easing, now is the time to book your hearing test appointment. Photo: Getty
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions to everyday life. But just because restrictions are in place, that doesn’t mean you should neglect your hearing health. Here’s what you need to know about safely booking a hearing aid test today.
Hearing aid tests are still safe and ongoing
Yes, you can still book a hearing test even with COVID-19 restrictions in place. Usually, you would go in for a face-to-face consultation and then the hearing test, but precautions are now in place to keep you safe.
Hearing specialists like Bloom and ihear, for example, conduct their initial appointments over the phone. If necessary, you’ll then go in for a hearing test in a safe and clean clinic. There’s only ever a small number of people in the clinic, meaning there’s plenty of time between appointments, and all the equipment is wiped down and sanitised regularly.
Book now before it gets busy
With Australia seeing low transmission rates of the coronavirus, state leaders are slowly lifting restrictions and people are starting to get back to their normal lives. So now is the best time to book your Don’t wait for everything to reopen and risk your local hearing specialist being booked out.
The good news is that hearing tests are free for all pensioners – so there’s every reason to book a test with Hearing Aid Finder to get checked and make sure your hearing is in good shape.
Eligible seniors can get government assistance to help with the cost of a new device. For those who aren’t eligible for a government voucher, it’s worth checking if your private health fund extras will cover the cost of a hearing aid.
Remote options keeping you safe
In addition to phone consultations and online listening tests, hearing specialists are also providing remote options for hearing aid fittings. Using hearing aid software and a remote link, you can jump on a video conference call to have your hearing aids adjusted with the help of a specialist.
Alternatively, if you have limited mobility or poor internet, safe home visits can be arranged.
Go with the hearing experts
Hearing Aid Finder makes your life easy. You’ll get a free hearing screening from a professional audiologist near you, and enjoy no-obligation trials on hearing aids so you can find a device that’s right for you.
So if you’re ready to book your hearing test before life gets busy again, schedule an appointment today.