Dan Ilic gave Australia its 10 minutes of shame with climate change billboards in Times Square

Australian comedian Dan Ilic lit up Times Square in New York City with a series of climate change billboards. Photo: Getty
Australian “investigative humourist” Dan Ilic has plastered New York City’s Times Square with jokes slamming Australia’s track record on climate change.
It’s the latest in a series of increasingly large stunts from his crowd-funded climate activism campaign ahead of next month’s COP26 summit in Glasgow.
“This is truly about embarrassing the Australian government on a global stage,” Ilic told The New Daily.
“Times Square seems a pretty good way of doing it.”
The 10-minute billboard slot cost $US12,000 ($16,000), paid for out of the $150,000 Ilic has raised from his supporters.
The electronic billboard cycled through nine designs, including a burning kangaroo and a climate-themed spoof of Cards Against Humanity.
Comedy group The Chaser even contributed a design featuring Prime Minister Scott Morrison as ‘Coal-O-Phile Dundee’.
Meanwhile, a design masterminded by a major anonymous donor simply read: “Dear world… yeah, look… sorry about our government bulls—ing about our emissions targets. Kind regards, people of Australia.”
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Our land is girt by sea, our climate policy girt by morons pic.twitter.com/OuCOdmG4dL
— Emma Lightfoot (@emma_lightf00t) October 14, 2021
Tweet from @ARationalFear
A crowd of Australians even gathered at Times Square at 6.40pm local time (Friday morning on the east coast of Australia) to catch the spectacle.
This crowd and countless passers-by began cheering in the street when the billboards went up.
The 10 minutes of shame was enough to generate international attention as pressure continues to mount against the Australian government’s lack of climate action on the world stage.
Ilic says there’s more to come.