How this German town’s residents fought back against a neo-Nazi festival

Every year, the eastern German town of Ostritz hosts a neo-Nazi organised rock music festival.
The town has a reputation for far-right activism, but this year, the town decided to fight back.
Courts imposed an alcohol ban on the Shield and Sword festival, which took place on the weekend, and police seized almost 4500 litres of beer, the BBC reported.
Determined to do their part too, locals flocked to supermarkets and bought 200-plus crates of beer between them, in a bid to keep the festival dry and sober.
Activist Georg Salditt told Germany’s news outlet Bild: “The plan was devised a week in advance. We wanted to dry the Nazis out. We thought, if an alcohol ban is coming, we’ll empty the shelves at the Penny [supermarket].”
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Police reported the weekend festival ran reasonably smoothly, reporting only minor incidents.