Hologram circus animals replace the real thing
Circus Roncalli has replaced its live animals with holograms, as part of a growing trend towards humane circuses. Photo: Twitter
One German circus is taking a stand against animal cruelty in its industry, and has replaced all its animals with holograms.
Circus Roncalli has been travelling Europe since 1976 – with live animals – but recently decided it was time to lead the change.
The circus has been running throughout Germany since 1976. Photo: Twitter
In a world first, projectors and lasers will bring elephants, horses and monkeys to the Big Top, which has been strategically redesigned to give audiences a 3D-view of the arena.
The inclusion of animals in live circus shows has long been accepted as an outdated practice.
The United Kingdom is currently debating a bill that would, from 2020, ban travelling circuses from using animals in their performances.
It’s a ban or restricted reflected in about 45 countries across the world.
In Australia, the ACT has for 20 years banned exotic animals from appearing in circuses, while many local councils have their own restrictions in place.
The RSPCA has publicly stated its wish for laws to outlaw the use of exotic animals and travelling animals, purely for entertainment purposes.