Trump denies making the Queen his lady in waiting
Donald Trump assures a rally in Pennsylvania that he and the Queen are the best of friends. show Photo: AP/Tracie van Auken
Donald Trump says his meeting with the Queen went “fantastically well” and he has hit out at critics who claim he was late and overstayed.
The American president said his wife, First Lady Melania Trump, talked to the Queen over tea when the trio met at Windsor Castle in July.
Speaking during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on Thursday night, in support of a Republican candidate for the US Senate, Mr Trump condemned the media for being “fake, fake disgusting news” as he unleashed a torrent of grievances.
They asked my daughter Ivanka whether or not the media is the enemy of the people. She correctly said no. It is the FAKE NEWS, which is a large percentage of the media, that is the enemy of the people!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 2, 2018
The US leader said his secret service did not “believe in being late”, adding: “So I was about 15 minutes early and I’m waiting with my wife and that’s fine. Hey, it’s the Queen, right? We can wait. But I’m a little early”.
“So I then go up and meet the Queen and she is fantastic. We then go up and we have tea. And I didn’t know this, it was supposed to last for 15 minutes, but it lasted for like an hour because we got along. We got along.
“And she liked our First Lady and our First Lady liked her and I won’t talk about conversation because you’re not supposed to … but we got along fantastically well.”
“And the time went by, you know like sometimes when you like somebody you get along – good chemistry – the time goes by.”
Donald Trump says Her Majesty’s smile was genuine and insists they got along like a palace on fire. Photo: PA/Matt Dunham
At the start of Mr Trump’s ceremonial welcome at Windsor Castle the Queen arrived sometime before her guests.
With the Queen standing in readiness, many took her waiting as an indication that the president and his wife were late but their car arrived on schedule.
Mr Trump went on to say: “So I was late and I overstayed. But honestly, folks, it was such a beautiful, beautiful visit and afternoon.
“But they can make anything bad because they are the fake, fake, disgusting news.”
Mr Trump appeared a little flummoxed during the ceremonial welcome.
At one point he looked out of step with the choreography of inspecting the guard of honour – but once inside the Queen’s home, he was photographed grinning happily as he relaxed.