Strange stories: Pizza robots and a proper cat burglar
Cat burglar steals men’s underwear
Men in Hamilton, New Zealand, are losing their underpants and socks to a crafty kleptomaniac kitty. Brigit the cat has taken dozens of items from washing lines over the last two months, and for some unknown reason every item is menswear. Owner Sarah Nathan has been forced to turn to social media and notes in letter boxes to find the victims, and calls Brigit’s behaviour “an absolute obsession”. Read more
Japanese companies create chip-flavoured soft drink
A pair of Japanese soft drink and video game businesses have created the soft drink flavour the world never really wanted. It’s unclear why the companies decided to mix potato chips and soft drink, but they did. You’ll have to go to Japan if you desperately want to try the drink – it’s a prize for selected arcade games and won’t be sold in stores. The companies behind the strange concoction previously came together to bring cola-flavoured chips to the world. Read more
Military robots redesigned to deliver pizza
Pizza chain Domino’s has partnered with an Australian robotics start-up to create a pizza delivery robot. The robot, named ‘DRU’, was originally used by the Army for target practice, but has been adapted to use a laser system and a GPS to navigate a path to hungry customers. Unfortunately a fleet of pizza-carrying robots may still be a few years away. Read more
Vibrating sex toy triggers bomb scare
A vibrating sex toy sparked a bomb scare in the Italian town of Modena on Wednesday night. A resident called police to report a suspicious buzzing coming from a rubbish bin on the street. The street and a 200-metre area was closed off as fire crews and police came to investigate. The incident came to a climax when the buzzing was found to be coming from a harmless sex toy, that had not had its batteries removed before being disposed of. Read more
Goldfish receives life-saving braces
Despite his lack of teeth, Pennsylvanian goldfish, Mr Hot Wing, now sports a fashionable pair of braces. The goldfish was brought to Lehigh Valley Veterinary Dermatology with eating and breathing problems. Mr Hot Wing was found to have been born without a lower jawbone, meaning he could not keep his mouth open. A custom set of braces, fashioned from a plastic credit card, were surgically attached to the fish, allowing him to open its mouth and saving his life. Read more