JK Rowling, Adam Hills unleash on Rupert Murdoch
Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has been slammed online following a tweet in which he claimed Muslims should be held responsible for their “growing jihadist cancer”.
The 83-year-old’s comments come after three days of fatal shootings in Paris by gunmen who claimed to be affiliated with Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.
• GALLERY: Paris unity rally attracts millions
• Paris shooting vigils held around Australia
“Maybe most Moslems peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible,” Murdoch wrote.
Harry Potter author JK Rowling immediately took offence to the tweet, replying with: “I was born Christian. If that makes Rupert Murdoch my responsibility, I’ll auto-excommunicate.”
Australians also used Twitter to distance themselves from Murdoch, tweeting their apologies for the News Corp CEO, who was born in Melbourne.
“As I was born in Australia can I apologise for inflicting Rupert on the world,” one man said.
Comedian Adam Hills also parodied Murdoch’s tweet, telling his followers: “Maybe all Australians lovely but until we recognise and destroy the growing pus sore that is @rupertmurdoch we must be held accountable.”
.@dom209 The Spanish Inquisition was my fault, as is all Christian fundamentalist violence. Oh, and Jim Bakker.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 11, 2015
As a conservative white Australian, I sincerely apologise for Rupert Murdoch. #JeSuisEverybodyNewsCorpAttacks — Mark Fletcher (@clothedvillainy) January 11, 2015
Can’t wait to hear Rupert Murdoch’s opinions on the Koo Klux Klan…
— Wil Anderson (@Wil_Anderson) January 10, 2015
I apologise for Rupert… so sorry.. RT @lhipreed: @Aiannucci Perhaps we could hold all Australians responsible for @rupertmurdoch?
— Dan Ilic (@danilic) January 10, 2015
@rupertmurdoch Foolish comment by Murdoch. By the same test, all Christians are responsible for the Holocaust — Julian Burnside (@JulianBurnside) January 10, 2015