Ebola scare puts cruise ship in lockdown

An American cruise ship carrying a Texas health worker suspected of having Ebola has returned to port in Texas after being stranded at sea.
The Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital lab worker handled a specimen from Thomas Eric Duncan who died from Ebola earlier this month, but a blood test showed the woman did not have the virus.
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According to a Dallas News report, the week-long Caribbean cruise ship went into panic when the ship was denied docking at Mexico and Belize and the captain confirmed a woman onboard was being monitored for Ebola.
While the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention did not place any travel restrictions on the lab worker, she decided to self-quarantine in her cabin when two other nurses at the hospital developed the virus.
A coast guard helicopter flew to the cruise ship on Saturday to pick up a sample of the woman’s blood which later tested negative for Ebola.
The 3,000 people onboard disembarked the ship when it returned to Texas in the early hours of Sunday morning.