Anti-homeless spikes

An apartment building in London has drawn widespread criticism for installing “anti-homeless studs” to deter people from sleeping in the entryway.
Anti homeless floor studs. So much for community spirit 🙁
— Ethical Pioneer (@ethicalpioneer) June 6, 2014
The building, located in central London, has been accused of treating homeless people like vermin after a photo of the studs was shared on Twitter and retweeted more than 2000 times.
These Anti homeless studs are like the spikes they use to keep pigeons off buildings. The destitute now considered vermin.
— David Wells (@dagwells) June 7, 2014
A resident of the building told The Telegraph in the UK that the spikes, which are over two-and-a-half centimetres long, were a recent addition.
“There was a homeless man asleep there about six weeks ago. Then about two weeks ago all of a sudden studs were put up outside. I presume it is to deter homeless people from sleeping there.”
The rise in the number of people who are sleeping rough has likely prompted these drastic measures, according to Katharine Sacks-Jones from homeless charity Crisis.
“This is happening in a context where rough sleeping has gone up massively,” Ms Sacks-Jones told The Telegraph. “Over the last three years rough sleeping has risen by 36% nationally and by 75% in London. More than 6,400 people slept rough in London last year.”