Cyclone a fizzer but could reform off Qld
The second cyclone in four days has crossed the Queensland coast – and again it’s been a fizzer.
Cyclone Fletcher made landfall as a category one storm between Karumba and the Gilbert River Mouth in the Gulf of Carpentaria about 7.30pm (AEST) on Monday.
Since downgraded to a tropical low, it is bringing rain to the gulf country, including some localised flooding in communities such as Kowanyama, north of Karumba.
A cyclone warning remains current for coastal and island communities from the Northern Territory-Queensland border to the Gilbert River Mouth, and for Mornington Island.
Forecasters say Fletcher is expected to head out over water again, where it could reform into a cyclone.
“The system is forecast to remain below cyclone intensity over land in the short term, but then recurve towards the west later today, and re-enter southern Gulf of Carpentaria waters,” the Bureau of Meteorology said early on Tuesday.
“If this occurs, the system may redevelop into a tropical cyclone. As a result gales may develop between Gilbert River Mouth and the NT/Qld border later today or early on Wednesday.”
Fletcher crossed the coast hot on the heels of Cyclone Dylan, which made landfall in north Queensland on Friday as a category two storm. It also brought heavy rain but did little damage.
Cyclone Edna formed on Saturday but didn’t cross the coast and petered out in the Coral Sea.