Seniors Minister promises payments for grandcarers will be made despite budget shortfall
The Seniors Minister is assuring grandparents who are the primary carers of their grandchildren they will still receive promised cash payments despite not all the necessary funds being allocated in the state budget.
In the lead up to the election, the Liberal Party pledged $5.3 million over four years to give grandcarers cash payments of $400 per year.
However, only $1.7 million was set aside in the August budget.
The Opposition says that will leave many of the state’s 2,500 grand carers out in the cold.
In Parliament today the Seniors Minister Tony Simpson guaranteed all carers who applied for the payment would receive it.
“It’s very much on my agenda to make sure we get that happening through our community,” he said.
“I think the most important point I can make is that every grandcarer who applies will get that money, I’ll make sure that happens.”
Mr Simpson says he is also trying to ensure the additional money does not affect any Centrelink payments.
Shirley Fitzhum, who looks after her severely disabled teenage grandson, says she is not convinced.
“I really don’t think that’s going to happen,” she said.