Developer urges builders to take on more apprentices
Property developer Dale Alcock is urging the building and construction industry in south-west Western Australia to provide more training for apprentices.
The average age of a WA tradesperson is between 45 and 48 years old.
Mr Alcock says all builders and tradespeople should look to keeping the industry strong in the future by employing more apprentices.
He says it should be a priority for everybody in the industry.
“I would really throw the challenge out there to small builders, large builders and tradespeople to look at training as their number one priority because in Western Australia we really need to build a lot of homes going forward and we can only do that with a viable and growing trade base,” he said.
“Attracting I guess young people from the south-west and providing them opportunities to be tradespeople and take their place within the industry.
“It’s very much like a sporting team, a football team, these are our new recruits, they’re our rookies coming on board and we’ve got to train them up to become A-grade players.”