Calls for justice after damning mental health report

Daniel Andrews says he is yet to be briefed on the report into Victoria's mental health system. Photo: AAP
Mental health patients who had their human rights violated under Victoria’s flawed health system are owed public apologies and compensation from the state government, a damning report has found.
A number of mental health patients were subjected to traumatic incidents while undergoing mandatory treatment including seclusion, restraint and coercive treatment such as the use of induced comas.
The report commissioned by the state’s health department was released on Tuesday by the authors and called for a truth-telling process to hear and document cases it says are unresolved.
“On average, those within Victoria’s mental health system may lose 30 years of life due to the medications they are forced to take,” the report says.
“Some also die waiting for help … while detained, they may be sexually assaulted.
“These experiences sit within living memory of the widespread use of lobotomies, insulin comas and other practices that are now regarded as inhumane.”
The report found while systemic flaws were highlighted during a 2021 mental health royal commission, truth-telling and acknowledging of harms were not the focus.
Premier Daniel Andrews on Tuesday said he had not yet been briefed on the report.
“That lived experience coming out of the royal commission – and indeed during the royal commission process – was a very, very important part of considering what was wrong with the system and also laying out a plan to build a better system,” he told reporters.
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