Victoria records no new coronavirus cases for first time since pandemic was declared

Jenny Mikakos' political career has become another COVID casualty. Photo: AAP
Victoria has recorded no new coronavirus cases since yesterday, Health Minister Jenny Mikakos says.
It marks the first day of no new infections in the state since the global pandemic was declared.
“We’ve been able to achieve this through Victorians doing an incredible job keeping themselves and each other safe,” Ms Mikakos said.
“The public health advice is that the risk is not over yet so it’s up to all of us to keep it up.”
At least one person in Victoria had been diagnosed with COVID-19 every day since the World Health Organsation declared the pandemic on March 12.
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Two days in April were counted as having a net increase of 0 — but this was due to old cases being counted in other state’s tallies on days when new infections were recorded.
Victoria’s total number of recorded COVID-19 cases remains at 1,681. Of those, 1,586 were declared as recovered on Friday.
Victoria has consistently had the second-highest number of coronavirus infections in Australia, behind only New South Wales.
Despite the milestone, health officials remain concerned about community transmission, with Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton yesterday warning of possible “hot spots” in Melbourne’s inner-north and west.
A cluster at an abattoir in Melbourne’s west was responsible for 111 of the state’s recent cases, while smaller outbreaks at a McDonald’s restaurant and several aged care facilities have sent hundreds more people into isolation.
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