Coronavirus cases in Victoria increase by eight to 1,618 including two linked to aged care

Premier Daniel Andrews says eight more cases of coronavirus were confirmed overnight taking the state's total to 1,618. Photo: AAP
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says the number of cases of COVID-19 in the state has risen to 1,618 — eight more than yesterday.
It includes two cases reported late on Tuesday linked to aged care facility Lynden Aged Care in Camberwell.
The facility went into lockdown on May 19 after a resident was diagnosed with the virus.
One new case is from a person in hotel quarantine, four cases are the result of community testing and one case is under investigation.
Mr Andrews said Victoria had conducted more than 200,000 tests for the virus since May 11 but reiterated people must continue to work from home until at least July.
“I want to reiterate if you have been working from home you must continue to work from home for all of June,” he said.
“That may change beyond June but at this stage, the Chief Health Officer is particularly concerned about hundreds of thousands of Victorians returning to office blocks.
“Logic tells you if that many people are crammed in on public transport, sharing spaces, then all that will do is pose an unacceptable risk and transmit the virus, no one wants that.
“We are beating this but it’s not over yet.”
Mr Andrews also announced a three-month extension to the reporting timeframe for the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System due to delays posed by coronavirus.
“This is a broken system. Tragically, more than 700 people taking their lives every year,” he said.
“A better future can only be built if we listen to those who know these challenges best. Those voices have to be heard.”
The report is now due in February 2021.