Australian coronavirus death toll rises after Victorian man in his 60s dies in hospital

Victoria's Deputy Chief Health Officer Annaliese van Diemen announced the state's 19th COVID-19 death this afternoon. Photo: AAP
The Australian coronavirus death toll has risen to 102, after a Victorian man died in hospital overnight.
“Our condolences are with the family and friends of this person at this time,” Victoria’s Deputy Chief Health Officer Annaliese van Diemen said at a press conference this afternoon.
“The person was a man in his 60s who died in a Victorian hospital.
“The family wish for their privacy to be protected at this point so no further details will be given at this point in time.”
Victoria has recorded 10 new coronavirus cases since yesterday, including four returned travellers in hotel quarantine and six cases under investigation.
None of the new cases are currently linked to the Cedar Meats outbreak in Melbourne’s west, which sits at 111 cases including 67 staff.
But Dr van Diemen said it was possible investigation of the cases could reveal links to the Cedar Meats outbreak or another cluster at the Fawkner McDonald’s restaurant.
“As we’ve discussed, some of these results come in quite late at night, so it does [need] quite a bit of investigating to link that into the other outbreaks or known cases, so we’re just seeing what those investigations show us,” she said.
When asked about Victoria’s historically high number of cases believed to be community transmission, Dr van Diemen said it was because the state was “testing more”.
“We’re doing significantly increased testing compared to other states at the moment, so the more we test, the more we will find and we want to find these individual cases because we want to be able to put that ring around them and make sure there is no transmission,” she said.
“The harder we look, the more we will find.”
Victoria’s state school students in prep, year 1 and 2 as well as years 11 and 12 are due to return to classrooms from Tuesday.
When asked if Victorians using public transport should be using face masks, Dr van Diemen reiterated federal government advice that the majority of people would not benefit from wearing a surgical mask.
“Our advice on top of that for commuters is to be very vigilant, don’t use public transport if you’re sick, be aware of physical distancing and ensure really good cough and sneeze etiquette,” she said.
She said health authorities were working closely with the Department of Transport and unions to look at possible measures to support physical distancing.