Fisherman fends off shark with broom handle
A fisherman on the south-west coast of Victoria has fended off a great white shark with a broom handle.
The incident, which occurred during a fishing charter, took place off the coast of Port Fairy on Thursday.
A video shows the shark approaching the boat’s stern, with the fisherman yelling, “Don’t bite it [the outboard motor]. F*** off”.
In notes accompanying the video, the fisherman says, “While out on a shark charter, this big beast turned up and wouldn’t leave us alone.
“He nearly took a chunk out of our Yamaha motors.
Warning: coarse language
“Estimated size 5.5 metres and of breeding size, showing battles scars on her back and tail most likely inflicted from mating rituals.
“Spring heading into Summer is acknowledged as pupping and Bass Strait is considered to be the pupping ground for the eastern seaboard population.
“This shark looks to be on the verge of dropping her bundles of joy very soon.”
The release of the video follows reports that a surfer has been bitten by a shark while laying on his board about 10m offshore at Caloundra.
An anonymous report was posted on the Dorsal – Queensland Shark Reports Facebook page about 6pm Saturday, detailing the Kings Beach incident.
“Shark hit me hard from the rear left side, felt it take two or three quick bites before I could even react and thrash it off,” the post read.
“Shark was obviously small, couldn’t fit jaws around my waist, but still enough to give me the fright of my life.”
As summer approaches and Australians begin flocking to beaches, debate rages on the subject of how to best stay safe from shark attacks.
While some argue those venturing into the shark-prone environments must accept the risk of attack, others advocate measures to keep man and beast separate in the water.
NSW Premier Mike Baird last week performed a policy backflip when he announced he would pursue a six-month trial of shark nets along the state’s north coast after another shark attack.
After resisting calls to install nets, which kill other marine life, the Premier announced the policy change on Wednesday.
The Premier said he will lobby the federal government to install shark nets along the state’s north coast after a 25-year-old man, Seneca Rus, was bitten at Ballina while surfing with friends on Wednesday morning.
The attack came less than two weeks after 17-year-old Cooper Allan was mauled by a great white at Ballina’s Lighthouse Beach.
Following Mr Allan’s attack the state government announced up to 100 “smart” drum lines would be placed along the NSW coastline with the focus on the northern beaches in a bid to keep swimmers safe.
But Mr Baird said these drum lines weren’t enough.
“Ultimately we get to the point where we have to prioritise human life over everything,” Mr Baird said.