Victorian bushfire threat downgraded
The emergency warning was issued on Tuesday afternoon. Photo: Twitter
A warning for an out-of-control bushfire north-west of Hopetoun has been downgraded to watch and act, as a number of fires burn in western Victoria.
The warning was for Burroin and Dattuck, with the fast-moving bushfire travelling from Euky Track in Wyperfeld Park.
A watch-and-act message issued for an out-of-control fire in the Brimboal area has since been downgraded to advice.
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The Country Fire Authority (CFA) said there was no current threat to communities in the area but fire crews would remain at the scene.
A watch-and-act message for another fire burning at Poolaijelo, north-west of the Dergholm State Park, has also been downgraded to advice.
The CFA said people at Branxholme, south-west of Hamilton, were no longer under threat after fire in that area had been downgraded to advice.
But the CFA said the Branxholme-Byaduk Road has been closed between the intersections of Wallacedale-Hamilton Road and Ardoon Road.