One injured in crane mishap
Disaster was narrowly avoided when a crane collapsed at a Melbourne construction site, leaving one person with minor injuries.
Emergency crews were called to Southbank shortly before 4pm on Friday following reports of a loud crash in the area.
They say a failed hydraulic ramp was to blame for the collapse.
Metropolitan Fire Brigade incident commander George Arnold said the crane was jacking itself up to the next level, as normal practice, when a hydraulic ramp failed.
“The crane has then collapsed on itself,” Mr Arnold told reporters.
The work site has been evacuated and a safety cordon has been set up around the crane, he said.
One person was treated for minor leg injuries at the scene, an Ambulance Victoria spokeswoman said.
Miraculously no one else was injured, she said.
“It was an enormous crash,” Laura, who works near the construction site, told 3AW.
“The crane itself looks reasonably OK but the scaffolding and everything is sitting on almost a 30 degree angle.”
Inbound lanes of Citylink remain closed as emergency crews secure the crane and drivers have been warned to expect long delays in the area.
WorkSafe is investigating, with staff on site, but could not comment further.