
Luke released from Victorian children’s hospital

Victorian boy Luke Shambrook, who survived five days lost in Victorian bushland, has been released from hospital.

The 11-year-old, who has autism, was found dehydrated, exhausted and hypothermic – but very much alive – five days after going missing from his family’s campsite at Lake Eidon, Victoria, on Good Friday.

He was taken to the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) to recover and remained there in a stable condition.

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A RCH spokeswoman said on Sunday that Luke had been discharged after recovering from the ordeal.

Speaking to media at the RCH in Melbourne on Thursday, Luke’s mother Rachel said her son was still recovering from the exposure to the elements, but importantly, he had managed to have a small taste of the Easter eggs he missed out last Sunday.

“Luke’s still very tired,” Ms Shambrook said.

“He’s had a good recovery since we first got him but he’s got ongoing needs,” she said.

“He’s not going to be back to himself by next week. It’s going to take him longer than that.”

Luke’s parents thanked everyone involved in the search for their son.

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