Grampians region has highest smoking rate in Australia
The Grampians region of Victoria, including Horsham and Ballarat, has been ranked as having the highest smoking rates in Australia.
The National Health Performance Authority has released a report today analysing Medicare local regions.
The report found 28 per cent of people in the region smoke daily, compared with a national average of 16 per cent.
Andrew McPherson, of the Grampians Medicare Local, says more resources are need to tackle the problem.
He says it is well-known the region has a high rate of asthma and respiratory problems.
“The Grampians region is also the worst in the country for what’s called coronary obstructive pulmonary disease, which is bronchitis, emphysema, asthma’s,” he said.
“Smoking of course either causes or exacerbates those conditions so we’re not suprised to learn that smoking rates are quite high.”