WA model may help fix mobile phone black spots
The Federal Government says it may look to Western Australia to help improve mobile phone coverage in south-west Victoria.
The Parliamentary Secretary for Communications, Paul Fletcher, will join the Member for Wannon, Dan Tehan, in visiting Mirranatwa, Landsborough and Moonambel today.
During the election campaign, the Coalition promised $100 million to improve mobile coverage in remote areas.
Mr Tehan says the Government is still looking at ways it can entice the major phone companies to get on board.
“Potentially the model we roll out will be mirrored on what the Western Australian Government did, and that has worked quite successfully as I understand it, in encouraging a mobile provider to provide towers in those areas where it wasn’t commercially viable for them to do so,” he said.
Mr Tehan says the details of how the policy will be rolled out are still being finalised.
“I’ve asked each of my local government areas to provide me with their top three black spot areas and I will be feeding that into Paul Fletcher, the new Parliamentary Secretary for telecommunications, and Malcolm Turnbull, the new Minister, so they have an idea of what we need addressed here in Wannon,” he said.