Quilt gives clue to murdered child’s remains in SA
A degraded quilt found at the same site as a child’s remains in South Australia might help police solve the killing.
The remains were found close to a roadside near Wynarka this month by a passing motorist.
Police hope someone will recognise the distinctive quilt and give them a breakthrough in their murder investigation.
• Dora T-shirt found with remains of child
• Bones do not belong to William
They said forensic examiners had closely checked the quilt, which is 90 centimetres-square.
Detective Superintendent Des Bray said it appeared to be homemade but had machine stitching.
A filling of polyester material suggested the quilt maker intended it be washed regularly, police said.
Detective Superintendent Bray said it was badly degraded, but the fabric still intact showed a wide border of black material illustrated with musical notes.
He said there also were images of a pumpkin patch, a camel and dragonflies.
“It has been suggested this is a so-called I-Spy quilt, which is especially constructed to allow a parent to play I-Spy with the child using the images stitched into the blanket,” he said.
“Someone loved that little girl and either made her, or gave her, that quilt. I would appeal for whoever loved her to get in touch with us.”
Police concede they are not yet able to say beyond doubt the victim was female.
The skeletal remains were found with a suitcase, items of clothing and the quilt near the Karoonda Highway, about two kilometres west of the Wynarka township in the Murray Mallee on July 15.
Investigators said the child could have died up to eight years ago and was killed somewhere other than where the remains were found.
The remains and the suitcase were put near Wynarka some time since the middle of March, police said.
Detective Superintendent Bray said there had been 273 calls so far to the police Crime Stoppers line about the case.
He said police had eliminated 25 children from the investigation who were deemed potential victims but found to be alive.
A man seen by locals in the area about six to eight weeks ago with a dark suitcase is being urged to come forward to police.
Investigators said there had been confirmed sightings of him with a suitcase near Karoonda on April 13 and May 26.
He was aged about 60, Caucasian and of average height, clean cut and neatly dressed, police said.