Miners take families underground in Mt Isa for rare open day
One of Australia’s mining giants has given its employees’ families a taste of what it is like to work 600 metres underground.
Last week, Glencore opened the doors of its George Fisher lead, zinc and silver mine in north-west Queensland to more than 1000 workers’ family members.
Joining the tour was Heather Dewar, a Mount Isa-based truck driver whose husband, Matt, works at the mine.
“I haven’t been underground out here. The way I’ve heard about it, it’s quite small and dark,” Ms Dewar said, with a degree of understatement considering the mine reaches more than a half a kilometre underground.
Matt Dewar said that showing his family how the mine worked was important.
“You come here, you put in the long hours, it’s hot, it’s dusty. But at the end of the day you get to go home and see your family,” he said.