Cairns man dies six days after taipan bite
An elderly far north Queensland man has died in hospital six days after being bitten by one of the world’s deadliest snakes.
David Pitt, 77, from Yorkeys Knob, north of Cairns, was bitten in his living room by the highly venomous coastal taipan.
He had been trying to kill the 1.5m snake with a shovel.
Paramedics said Mr Pitt was not wearing shoes at the time and was bitten between his toes.
He went into cardiac arrest, before being revived by paramedics and taken to intensive care.
Cairns Base Hospital said Mr Pitt died on Monday afternoon.
The snake that bit Mr Pitt was killed and eventually taken away by paramedics.
Coastal taipans are the sixth most venomous snake in the world, and the largest venomous snake in Australia.
Their poison affects the nervous system and the blood’s ability to clot.
Bites are always fatal if left untreated.