Fitzgerald critical of Qld Government’s ‘foolhardy’ laws
The man behind one of Australia’s most famous corruption inquiries, former judge Tony Fitzgerald, has slammed the State Government’s new laws targeting bikies and sex offenders in Queensland.
Mr Fitzgerald has written an opinion piece in today’s Courier Mail newspaper where he warns it is foolhardy for politicians to make major changes to the criminal law without consulting legal experts.
In recent weeks, the Newman Government has given itself the power to bypass the courts and jail serial sex offenders indefinitely, as well as launching an unprecedented crackdown on bikie-related crime.
Mr Fitzgerald says Queensland Parliament does not have a mandate to give effect to prejudices and ill-informed opinions.
He says there is an uncomfortable similarity between what is happening in Queensland and demagogues, who are described as political leaders who appeal to the emotions, fears and ignorance of less-educated citizens to gain power and promote their own motives.