Country Queensland urged to battle the bulge
With three quarters of Queensland adults tipping the scales at the obese and overweight end of the spectrum, the government has launched a new campaign the Health Minister says will be confronting.
Lawrence Springborg says as well as an awareness campaign, all Queenslanders will be offered ten free health coaching sessions.
He says 30 per cent of Queensland adults are obese.
“It is a very significant problem.
“It does take years off your life, it affects your productive capacity, it affects your ability to engage with your family or just feel good.
“It impacts upon our state health system, probably adds billions of dollars each year to the bill that we could be putting into other areas of health care.”
Obesity levels in Central Queensland in particular are among the highest in the country with 39 per cent of the population in the region from Townsville to Mackay, west to Richmond and south to Clermont is obese.