NSW to re-examine trade boss’s UK expenses

Trade Minister Alister Henskens has ordered a review of the expenses of the NSW UK agent-general. Photo: AAP
A second review into the expenses of the NSW agent-general in London has been ordered after the first examination was conducted by the person who had already approved his spending.
Stephen Cartwright claimed $85,760 in the last financial year – nearly equal to the average full-time wage – including $45,000 to relocate from NSW to London for the newly established trade role.
Trade Minister Alister Henskens says a review he ordered – following reports into the extent of the bills – found each bill was in accordance with department policies.
He said the review was conducted by Mr Cartwright’s direct manager.
“You’re not seriously suggesting we’ve had to order a second review because the first person clearly was conflicted,” Labor MP Daniel Mookhey said in a budget estimates hearing on Thursday
Mr Henskens said the first advice he sought was to satisfy himself that the expenses claimed were in accordance with department policies.
“A second review was requested from people not associated with the process,” he said.
The second review is being conducted by the trade department’s chief financial officer.
Mr Henskens said he was satisfied the CFO was sufficiently independent, because they were not employed when the expenses were processed.
Included in Mr Cartwright’s 2021/22 expenses were amounts accrued in his previous role as chief of the state’s peak business organisation, Business NSW, and an $8000 bill so another staffer could attend a leadership course at Cambridge University.
Mr Henskens said many expenses were fixed costs, office establishment costs and relocation fees.
Mr Cartwright was appointed agent-general in October, moving to the UK in February.
The appointment was thrust into the spotlight after former NSW deputy premier John Barilaro controversially took a plum New York-based trade position.
Trade Department secretary Amy Brown has told parliament Mr Cartwright threatened to go over her head to the minister or premier as he sought a salary package close to $800,000, which she could not legally give him.
In addition to a $487,000 base salary, NSW pays Mr Cartwright’s rent of $101,000 and a small cost-of-living allowance.
Meanwhile, the government has defended its decision to have the agency responsible for the international trade roles, Investment NSW, rolled into the new trade department.
“We haven’t abolished it, it’s still operating,” Mr Henskens said.
Ms Brown recently resigned from her role as Investment NSW chief executive and is on leave as department secretary.
Mr Henskens declined to publicly state his confidence in Ms Brown or Mr Cartwright, saying those were matters for Michael Coutts-Trotter, the head of the Department of Premier and Cabinet.