Rogerson to plead not guilty

Roger Rogerson will be pleading not guilty to the murder of drug runner Jamie Gao, his lawyer Paul Kenny told media outside court.
“I think Mr Rogerson will get a fair trial in due course. I think the right processes have been put in place for that to occur,” Mr Kenny said.
“He will be pleading not guilty.”
He said he was worried for Rogerson’s mental and physical health as he has been banned from having a pillow, wristwatch and even a calender in his cell at Silverwater jail where he in protective custody.
Fingerprints, DNA evidence and CCTV footage are still being compiled in the murder case against former NSW detectives Roger Rogerson and Glen McNamara, a court has heard.
Rogerson and McNamara have been charged with the shooting murder of 20-year-old student Jamie Gao in a rented storage shed in May.
They have also been accused of commercial drug supply.
During a brief mention of both matters on Tuesday, prosecutor Chris Maxwell QC told Central Local Court there were a number of reports and statements to be served to the defence, including fingerprint evidence and DNA testing from the alleged crime scene.
“The post-mortem has been done but there is some delay with the report,” Mr Maxwell told the court, adding it could take up to nine months.
They were also awaiting analysis of the methylamphetamine allegedly found in McNamara’s car, he said.
Rogerson, 73, did not appear in court for the mention.
Former Kings Cross detective McNamara, 55, appeared briefly via video link from Goulburn Correctional Centre.
It is alleged Rogerson and McNamara met Mr Gao over a 3kg drug deal on May 20 in Padstow, in Sydney’s southwest.
Mr Gao’s body, wrapped in blue tarpaulin, was found bobbing in the waters off Cronulla a week later.
Both matters will return to court in September.