Wooli Marine Rescue unit again targeted by vandals
Gob-smackingly stupid, is how Marine Rescue New South Wales is describing a vandal attack on its unit at Wooli, south of Grafton.
The unit’s off-shore rescue boat the Wooli 3-0 was broken into overnight on Friday.
Marine Rescue spokesman Ken McManus said the same boat was one of three vandalised in Coffs Harbour last November, during a Search and Rescue exercise.
He said children are thought to be responsible for the latest incident.
“With this current problem we are still on the water,” he said.
“Sea anchor, fittings, fire extinguisher, two sets of binoculars, and a torch were stolen.
” I don’t know what moves people to break things just for the sake of breaking.
“It just means we’ve got to use some of the other radio equipment we have on board, we’ve had to bring other binoculars for elsewhere and you know it’s just a dammed nuisance.”
Mr McManus says the latest vandal attack was less serious than the 2012 incident.
“This happened sometime late Friday night early Saturday morning,” he saod.
“Wooli 30 offshore rescue vessel was broken into, it’s only small stuff but it adds up to about $1200 and then they damaged two radio antennas so all up it’s about $2000 worth.”