‘Gentle step forward’: Promising signs for ACT

Chief Minister Andrew Barr says he is encouraged the ACT's lockdown is working. Photo: Getty
The ACT government has sought to temper expectations about post-lockdown coronavirus restrictions as Canberra records 14 new infections.
All are linked, with 13 quarantining throughout their infectious period.
One person was in the community for a short period of time without realising they had the virus.
They are considered a low public health risk.
Overall cases have grown to 190, a week out from the scheduled end of Canberra’s lockdown.
Chief Minister Andrew Barr is set to announce on Friday what restrictions will look like going forward.
“That will not be a significant easing of restrictions, it will be a gentle step forward,” he told reporters on Thursday.
“We’re not going to be in a position, given our vaccination rates and all that is transpiring around us, to go back to being where we were prior to this outbreak.”
But he stressed the details of the 14 new cases showed the lockdown was working.
The number of people in hospital has grown by two to nine.
An unvaccinated woman in her 40s remains in intensive care.
All close contacts of an infected food preparation worker at the University of Canberra Hospital have so far tested negative.
Patients are being tested as a precaution even though the risk of spread to them and clinical staff is considered low.