Union-busting laws back before Parliament
Union-busting legislation is being reintroduced to Parliament less than a week after the bill was defeated in the Senate.
Attorney-General Christian Porter is gearing up for a fresh round of consultation with crossbench senators.
He is prepared to make further amendments to win their support.
“Since the bill was voted on last week in the Senate, issues have been raised which were not raised with the government during consultations on the bill,” Mr Porter said on Wednesday.
Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese said even with further changes, the bill would still represent an attack on ordinary workers.
“The fact is this is not in the interests of working people,” he told ABC radio.
“Every time this government sees a nurse or sees a teacher, what they see is a trade unionist who they deride as being a thug.”
The Coalition’s “ensuring integrity” bill was rebuffed in the upper house last week, with One Nation opposing it in a humiliating defeat for the government.
The bill makes it easier to deregister unions and ban officials for repeated law-breaking.
“Anyone who looks at this bill objectively and rationally can see it in no way prevents organisations from continuing to work in their members’ interests where they do so lawfully,” the Attorney-General said.