Press Council considering complaint about Warren Brown cartoon

The Press Council has confirmed it has received complaints about a cartoon depiction of asylum seekers in Tuesday’s Daily Telegraph
Cartoonist Warren Brown weighed into the debate on the medical evacuation of people from Manus Island and Nauru detention centres with a cartoon that depicted a crazed Arab chasing a white, female health professional.
It also shows key backer of ‘medivac’ laws, independent MP and doctor Kerryn Phelps, reading the bill while telling the ‘refugee’ “do you mind not doing that until I’ve got the bill passed”.
“The Press Council has received complaints in relation to the Warren Brown cartoon appearing in The Daily Telegraph on Monday,” a Press Council spokesman told The New Daily.
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The latest controversy comes after veteran Herald-Sun cartoonist Mark Knight rejected suggestions last September that his depiction of American tennis champion Serena Williams was racist.
In relation to that cartoon the Press Council said: “A complaint received in relation to a Mark Knight cartoon in the Herald-Sun is being processed in accordance with the Council’s process.”
In 2016, late The Australian cartoonist, Bill Leak escaped sanction from the Press Council over a cartoon depicting and Aboriginal father unable to recall his son’s name.
Comment has been sought from the Daily Telegraph.