Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has called for Australia to formally recognise Palestine ahead of an historic visit from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week.
In an interview with Fairfax Media, Mr Rudd said the “time has come” for Australia to make this historic shift in foreign policy because he feared the world was “drifting towards the disintegration and death of an independent Palestinian state”.
It followed a statement he gave to the ABC’s PM on Friday in which he confirmed his support to recognise Palestine, “as 137 states already have”.
“My deepest fear is we are drifting towards the disintegration and death of an independent Palestinian state. This would be a tragedy for both the Palestinian and Israeli people,” he told Fairfax Media.
“For Israel, the isolation of Palestine and the removal of the prospect of both land and statehood may well lead to the re-radicalisation of the Palestinian people.
“I deeply fear the possibility of a third Intifada. And so, the time has come for Australia to join countries like Sweden and the Holy See in formally recognising the Palestinian state.”
Mr Rudd’s comments come amid uncertainty for the future of the United States’ long-held ‘Two States’ policy on Israel-Palestine.
US President Donald Trump appeared to upend decades of American support for a two state solution last week, suggesting he could “live with” either a one or two state solution.
Mr Netanyahu will arrive in Australia on Wednesday – the first visit by a sitting Israeli prime minister.