‘Captain’s call’ named 2015’s word of the year
Macquarie Dictionary has announced “captain’s call”, a phrase popularised by former prime minister Tony Abbott, has been chosen by its committee as the Word of the Year for 2015.
The words “deso” and “lumbersexual” received honourable mentions, and the latter is giving “hipster” a run for its money, according to Susan Butler, editor of Macquarie Dictionary.
The committee said “‘captain’s call’ perfectly encapsulates what happened in Australia over the past year”, after Mr Abbott’s incessant use of it during his leadership.
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Macquarie defined it “as a decision made by a political or business leader without consultation with colleagues” — something Mr Abbott was known for.
Mr Abbott’s decision to award Prince Philip a knighthood last year was labelled a “captain’s call”, after he confirmed he did not consult any of his Cabinet colleagues on the appointment.
Ms Butler told the ABC the term “started out as a political reference, but is being used more generally for any kind of decision that you take without reference to anyone else”.
“I think it’s used with a slightly ironic tinge, which makes it very Australian,” she said.
Ms Butler explained “captain’s call” is considered a word in dictionary speak.
“When we say a word, in dictionary speak we mean the bit in bold at the start of an entry, so this is the unit of meaning that we have to provide an definition for,” she said.
“English has this way of creating new words by putting a couple of words together.”
‘Lumbersexual’ to overtake ‘hipster’?
The committee, made up of Ms Butler, academics from the University of Sydney, Studio 10 co-host Joe Hildebrand and Buzzfeed political editor Mark Di Stefano, named “lumbersexual” and “deso” runners up.
“Lumbersexual”, a fusion of lumberjack and metrosexual, is a contender to replace “hipster”, according to Ms Butler.
“So the ‘lumbersexual’ will have a big bushy beard and look as if they’ve just emerged from the forest in flannies and big boots,” she said.
“But have actually paid a lot of attention to their appearance; it’s not something that just happens naturally out in the wild.”
The committee said “deso”, slang for designated driver, is a “topical” word which reflects of our drinking culture and law-abiding society.
“It is astonishing how quickly and smoothly the ‘deso’ became part of our lives,” the committee said.
Word’s like “listicle”, “ecocriticism”, “bae”, “merman hair”, “manspread” and “fitspiration” are still contenders for Macquarie’s people’s choice award.