Aus Post customers outraged by Dec 31 closures

Angry Australia Post customers have vented their frustration after they were sprung with an extra day of New Year’s closures across most of the service.
Many of the postal organisations offices were closed on Thursday December 31, the final day of the year, but not a listed public holiday.
The day off meant the post did not resume until January 4.
Monday was also the day new stamp prices came into effect, increasing the price from 70¢ to $1.
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Customers vented their frustration on social media, disappointed at the lack of clarity on which stores were open.
“I tried phoning today, but of course, Australia Post has to celebrate a day early and is closed!” one customer said.
“What a joke Australia Post. Selected post offices open today – pity it was impossible to find who they were,” another wrote.
In a statement to The New Daily, an Australia Post spokesperson said December 31 was an annual authorised holiday for staff in the organisation.
“While there was no delivery on Thursday, some Post Offices were open and this information was available on our website,” he said.
“The annual authorised holiday happens once a year and we alert our customers in advance via our website, social media channels and public notices in our Post Offices.
“This year was one of our busiest festive periods ever and our dedicated workforce of more than 36,000 employees took great pride in the timely, safe and efficient delivery of mail and parcels.”
The increase in stamp prices was estimated to provide an extra $25,000 per annum on average for post office licensees across Australia.
Concession prices remained at 60¢ for normal letters and 65¢ for greeting cards.