Top Stories – Monday 21 December, 2015

Firefighters survive heartstopping burnover, then rejoin the fight
Brave crews barely escape with their lives before selflessly returning to the battle as bushfires continue to burn. Read more.
This is Australia’s biggest superannuation secret
It’s a ‘serious national disgrace’ that nobody knows about T2R, which allows you to access funds early and save thousands of dollars. Read more.
‘Mysterious new species’ of human could change history
A 14,000-year-old bone unearthed in southwest China could challenge our understanding of human evolution. Read more.
Hotline Bling: politicians reveal their favourite song from 2015
From Question Time to their downtime, our pollies share their favourite songs of the year. Their choices might surprise you. Read more.
Why only a WADA whim could find the ‘Essendon 34’ guilty
ANALYSIS: As WADA prepared to deliver its decision, Tom Ryan points out a fundamental flaw with the entire process. Read more.
‘Quarter-life crises’ are holding back twenty-somethings in their prime
Young adults are crumbling under the pressure of everyday life. Facebook and cotton wool parenting could be responsible. Read more.
What a scoop! The amazing Aussie invention cleaning our oceans
Two surfers-turned-inventors have created an ingenious device that rids the sea of plastic bottles, paper – even oil and detergent. Read more.
It’s a trap! The summer urge to renovate could swallow your money
An uncertain future for the property market creates challenges for renovators. Here’s how to ensure you get a return on your investment. Read more.