The New Daily’s Sunday soapbox: In Absentia

In Absentia
By Wayne Garvey
In Absentia the leaders believe that the poor
Must receive less to accumulate more
They think that the greedy should be unrestrained
In this way the maximum good is attained
They think that the ways of the past are just fine
And agents of change should just fall in line
The world is their oyster and on it they dine
The future will care for itself
In Absentia the people are so insecure
They cling to their race as if it’s the cure
For all that they lack and all of their ills
Their insecure jobs their credit card bills
And meanwhile the wing-headed King of Absentia
Has lately been seized by fits of dementia
He’s tilting at windmills and turning back boats
He hopes that the coal mines will keep him afloat
Survival is recently much on his mind
But even his Church has left him behind.
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