Tony Abbott’s Q&A ban could be lifted by next week

In a move likely to signal the return of Coalition MPs to Monday night television, the ABC is predicted to move its flagship panel program Q&A to the news division.
A meeting of the broadcasters board tomorrow is likely to see the program moved from the television division to news and current affairs, The Australian has reported.
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott imposed a blanket ban on Coalition MPs appearing on the show in June.
It followed the appearance of Zaky Mallah, the first person charged under Australia’s anti-terror laws but acquitted in 2005.
He later pleaded guilty to threatening Commonwealth officials, ultimately serving a two-and-a-half year sentence.
Mr Abbott declared Q&A “out-of-control” following Mallah’s appearance, with Coaltion MPs to return if the controversial program were shifted to the ABC’s news division.
In July, ABC board chairman James Spigelman wrote to Mr Abbott saying the move was “under consideration”.
Currently just three panellists are confirmed to appear on next week’s show – former commander of the International Space Station Chris Hadfield, Shadow Minister for Vocational Education Sharon Bird and counter-terrorism expert Jonathan Fine.
The fourth is rumoured to be a Coalition MP.
The board of Government-funded public broadcaster will meet in Ultimo tomorrow.